For many looking for new product ideas with which they can be successful marketing online this process can be quite challenging. Obviously your product idea needs to have a strong customer demand but all the research involved can be time consuming and frustrating. Relax since the answers you seek may be found right out in plain sight!

Here are 3 ways you can take products that others have been successful marketing and redesign and/or refocus them for your needs!

Add Improvements

Most anything you can find in the marketplace, even with a strong customer demand, can be improved upon in some way. Everything that is for sale evolves on an ongoing basis provided customer demand remains strong. Look at the automobile industry, airplanes, cell phones or even computers and you will see products made brand new by simply adding some improvements! It makes little sense spending so much time trying to reinvent the wheel when you have the foundation of a perfectly good product idea right in front of you!

Make User Friendly

It is not necessary to add a different purpose or features to something in order to give it a different look. If others have been successful marketing something that is effective yet challenging to use then making it more user friendly could open up a completely different demand. Now the product is not only effective for what its intended purpose may be, but it is also easy to use giving it a more universal appeal!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6468890


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